外水 | Outer Water |
堤防溢淹 | Overbank Flow |
預測 | Prediction |
整備 | Preparedness |
可能最大洪水 | Probable Maximum Flood, PMF |
可能最大降雨 | Probable Maximum Precipitation, PMP |
護灘工程 | Protection Beach Engineering |
抽水站 | Pumping Station |
定量降雨預報 | Quantity Rainfall Predict |
降雨預報 | Rainfall Forecasting |
降雨量觀測 | Rainfall Observation |
降雨警戒值 | Rainfall Threshold Value |
頂托 | Raise Water Level |
水文氣象即時資料應用 | Real-time Hydrologic and Meteoric Data Application |
復建 (生態治河(生態復育)) (海水淡化、地下水保育) | Recovery |
地區災害防救計畫 | Region Disaster Prevent and Rescue Project |
水庫種類 | Reservoir Category |
水庫清淤 | Reservoir Dredging |
水庫防洪操作 | Reservoir Flood Prevent Operation |
蓄水庫洪水演算 | Reservoir Flood Routing |