詞彙 / Vocabulary翻譯 / Translation
外水Outer Water
堤防溢淹Overbank Flow
可能最大洪水Probable Maximum Flood, PMF
可能最大降雨Probable Maximum Precipitation, PMP
護灘工程Protection Beach Engineering
抽水站Pumping Station
定量降雨預報Quantity Rainfall Predict
降雨預報Rainfall Forecasting
降雨量觀測Rainfall Observation
降雨警戒值Rainfall Threshold Value
頂托Raise Water Level
水文氣象即時資料應用Real-time Hydrologic and Meteoric Data Application
復建 (生態治河(生態復育)) (海水淡化、地下水保育)Recovery
地區災害防救計畫Region Disaster Prevent and Rescue Project
水庫種類Reservoir Category
水庫清淤Reservoir Dredging
水庫防洪操作Reservoir Flood Prevent Operation
蓄水庫洪水演算Reservoir Flood Routing