詞彙 / Vocabulary翻譯 / Translation
社會經濟乾旱Societal and Economical Drought
集水區水土保持Soil and Water Conservation of Catchment Region
水位預報Stage Forecasting
暴潮溢淹防護區Storm Surge Submerged of Protection Zone
工程性減洪Structural Flood Mitigation
工程防洪措施Structural Measures
三級開設Third Level Prevent and Rescue Open
豪雨Torrential Rain
越域排洪Transbasin Flood Discharge
都市下水道系統Urban Sewer System
洪災不確定損失Uncertain Flood Damage
警戒水位Warning Stage
水情通報單Water Information Announcement
波浪爬高Wave Runup
風浪高Wind Wave Height
災害防救法Disaster Prevention and Protection Act
水情燈號Drought Monitoring Signal
區域供水調度Regional Water Allocation
限水措施Water Rationing