詞彙 / Vocabulary翻譯 / Translation
綜合治水措施Integrated Flood Management
淹水深度Inundation Depth
淹水範圍Inundation Range
淹水潛勢Inundation Potential
淹水境況模擬Inundation Scenario Simulation
淹水預警Inundation Warning
淹水預警系統Inundation Warning System
洪災無形損失Invisible Flood Damage
洪氾區土地管理Land Management of Floodplain
低灘Low Flood Plain
海上陸上颱風警報Marine and Land Typhoon Warning
海上颱風警報Marine Typhoon Warning
最大淹水深度Max Inundation Depth
氣象乾旱Meteorological Drought
洪災次要損失Minor Flood Damage
行動化災情回報Mobile Disaster Reporting System
非工程性減洪Non-structural Flood Mitigation
非工程防洪措施Non-structural Measures
堤外Outer Bank