玖.天然災害損失概況\IX.NATURAL DAMAGES(2016) | |
表17 經濟部水利署防汛器材使用情形\17 Making Use of Flood Prevention Facilities,WRA, MOEA(2016) | |
表18 河川防洪設施損毀數量\18 Statistics in Damages Works for River Flood Control (2016) | |
表19 禦潮(海堤)設施損毀數量\19 Damages on Coastal Protection(Sea-dike)Works(2016) | |
表20 區域排水設施損毀數量\20 Damages on Regional Drainage Works(2016) | |
表21 水庫設施損毀數量\21 Damages on Reservoir Works(2016) | |
拾.河川防洪工程\X.RIVER FLOOD CONTROL(2016) | |
表22 現有河川防洪設施\22 The Existing Works for River Flood Control(2016) | |
表23 河川環境改善工程\23 Improvement Constructions for River Environment(2016) | |
表24 河川防災減災工程\24 Constructions of River Disaster Prevention and Reduction(2016) | |
表25 河川歲修工程\25 Annual Repairing Constructions for River Flood Control(2016) | |
表26 河川災害復建工程\26 Rehabilitation After Disasters for River Flood Control(2016) | |
表27 河川工程搶修情形\27 Urgent Repairs of the Works for River Flood Control(2016) | |
表28 河川構造物維護管理\28 Structures Maintenance and Management for River Flood Control(2016) | |