玖.天然災害損失概況\IX.NATURAL DAMAGES(2016)
表17 經濟部水利署防汛器材使用情形\17 Making Use of Flood Prevention Facilities,WRA, MOEA(2016)
表18 河川防洪設施損毀數量\18 Statistics in Damages Works for River Flood Control (2016)
表19 禦潮(海堤)設施損毀數量\19 Damages on Coastal Protection(Sea-dike)Works(2016)
表20 區域排水設施損毀數量\20 Damages on Regional Drainage Works(2016)
表21 水庫設施損毀數量\21 Damages on Reservoir Works(2016)
拾.河川防洪工程\X.RIVER FLOOD CONTROL(2016)
表22 現有河川防洪設施\22 The Existing Works for River Flood Control(2016)
表23 河川環境改善工程\23 Improvement Constructions for River Environment(2016)
表24 河川防災減災工程\24 Constructions of River Disaster Prevention and Reduction(2016)
表25 河川歲修工程\25 Annual Repairing Constructions for River Flood Control(2016)
表26 河川災害復建工程\26 Rehabilitation After Disasters for River Flood Control(2016)
表27 河川工程搶修情形\27 Urgent Repairs of the Works for River Flood Control(2016)
表28 河川構造物維護管理\28 Structures Maintenance and Management for River Flood Control(2016)