表60 經濟部水利署組織系統與職掌\ 60 Organization & Duty, WRA, MOEA(2003)
表62 經濟部水利署實有員額配置\ 62 Actual Personnel, WRA, MOEA(2003)
表63 經濟部水利署現有正式職員人事資料統計\ 63 Statistic on Appointed Employee, WRA, MOEA(2003)
表64 農田水利會人事資料統計\ 64 Statistic on the Actual Personnel, Irrigation Associations(2003)
表65 經濟部水利署經費預算數與決算數\ 65 Budget & Final Account of WRA, MOEA(2003)
表67 農田水利會會費\ 67 Membership Fees of Irrigation Associations(2003)
表68 農田水利會經費收支\ 68 Revenue & Expenditure of Irrigation Associations(2003)
表69 經濟部水利署各項測繪成果\ 69 Surveying, WRA, MOEA(2003)
表70 經濟部水利署地質鑽探成果\ 70 Geological Boring, WRA, MOEA(2003)