表44 臨時用水登記引用水量\44 Registered Amount of Temporary Diverted water(2021)
表45 溫泉水權登記件數\45 Registered Cases of Hot Spring Water Right(2021)
表46 溫泉水權登記引用水量\46 Registered Amount of Diverted Water on Hot Spring Water Right(2021)
表47 有效之水權及臨時用水登記件數\47 Registered Cases of Effective Water Right and Temporary Water Use(2021)
表48 有效之水權及臨時用水登記引用水量\48 Registered Amount of Diverted Water for Effective Water Right and Temporary Water Use(2021)
表49 台灣自來水股份有限公司水價 表50 臺北自來水事業處水價\49 Water Price - Taiwan Water Supply Corporation 50 Water Price─Taipei Water Department(2021)
表51 金門縣自來水廠水價\51 Water Price─Kinmen County Water Supply Plant(2021)
表52 連江縣自來水廠水價\52 Water Price─Lienchiang County Water Supply Plant(2021)
表53 自來水供水設備及管線長度\53 Installations of Water Supply(2021)
表54 自來水系統供水能力及設計供水人口數\54 Water Supply System Capacity & Consumers of Water Supply(2021)
表55 供水戶口數暨人日配水量\55 Families of Water Supply & Daily Ration of Water Per Person(2021)
表56 自來水供水普及率\56 Saturation of Water Supply(2021)
表57 自來水生活用水量統計\57 The Domestic Consumption of Water(2021)
表58 自來水用戶數\58 Consumers of Water Supply(2021)
表59 經濟部水利署組織系統與職掌\59 Organization & Duty, WRA, MOEA(2021)