詞彙 / Vocabulary翻譯 / Translation
中華白海豚/棲地環境影響評估Chinese White Dolphins (Sousa Chinensis)/Habitat Impact Assessment
公眾參與及培力Public Participation and Empowerment
水庫集水區保育實施計畫Watershed Conservation Plan of Reservoir
水庫更新改善計畫Planning of Rehabilitation of Reservoir
流域整體治理綱要計畫Development of Integrated basin Management
嚴重地層下陷區Severe Land-subsidence Area
易淹水地區第3階段(100-102年)實施計畫Requlation Project of Flood-prone Area(3nd Practice Stage) Plan
水庫集水區生態調查評估準則Assessment Specification on the Catchment Area of Reservoirs
水庫集水區整治計畫Reservoir and Its Watershed Remediation Project
人工湖Artificial Lake
重要河川環境營造計畫The Environment Building Plan of Important Rivers
氣候變遷之衝擊與調適Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change