
一、河川區域內,禁止下列行為:(一)填塞河川水路。(二)毀損或變更河防建造物、設備或供防汛、搶險用之土石料及其他物料。(三)啟閉、移動或毀壞水閘門或其附屬設施。(四)建造工廠或房屋。(五)棄置廢土或其他足以妨礙水流之物。(六)在指定通路外行駛車輛。(七)其他妨礙河川防護之行為。二、違者依法究辦。經濟部水利署經濟部水利署第○河川局 電話:

I. In the river zone, the following behaviors are forbidden:1. blocking the floodway;2. damaging or altering the flood-protection constructions, equipments and the material for emergency flood embankment usage;3. operating, removing, or damaging the watergate and its accessories;4. building factories or houses;5. dumping waste soil or others which may block waterway;6. deviating from the designated roads;7. other actions that may hinder flood protection.II. Infringers are subject to accusation according to the laws.Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic AffairsThe (ordinal number) River Management Office, WRA, MOEA. Tel:

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