表59 經濟部水利署組織系統與職掌\59 Organization & Duty, WRA, MOEA(2018) | |
表60 經濟部水利署各組室及所屬機關所在地暨主管人員\60 Key Persons of WRA's Headquarters and Subordinates With Their Locations(2018) | |
表61 經濟部水利署實有員額配置\61 Actual Personnel, WRA, MOEA(2018) | |
表62 經濟部水利署現有正式職員人事資料統計\62 Statistic on Appointed Employees, WRA, MOEA(2018) | |
表63 經濟部水利署歲出經費預算數與決算數\63 Annual Expenditure for Budget & Final Account of WRA, MOEA(2018) | |
表64 河川、海堤及區排年度竣工工程經費\64 Rivers, Sea-dikes and Regional Drainages Annual Funding for Project Completion(2018) | |
表65 經濟部水利署所屬機關工程用地取得情形\65 Affiliated Agencies Project Land Procurememt Situation, WRA, MOEA.(2018) | |
表66 經濟部水利署各項測繪成果\66 Surveying, WRA, MOEA(2018) | |
表67 經濟部水利署地質鑽探成果\67 Geological Boring, WRA, MOEA(2018) | |
插頁(2018) | |
KO1 (2018) | |
KO2 (2018) | |
版權頁(2018) | |
封底(2018) | |