表58 自來水系統供水能力及設計供水人口數\58 Water Supply System Capacity & Consumers of Water Supply(2010)
表59 供水戶口數暨人日配水量\59 Families of Water Supply & Daily Ration of Water Per Person(2010)
表60 自來水供水普及率\60 Saturation of Water Supply(2010)
表61 自來水用戶數\61 Consumers of Water Supply(2010)
表62 經濟部水利署組織系統與職掌\62 Organization & Duty, WRA, MOEA(2010)
表63 經濟部水利署各組室及所屬機關所在地暨主管人員\63 Key Persons of WRA's Headquarters and Subordinates With Their Locations(2010)
表64 經濟部水利署實有員額配置\64 Actual Personnel, WRA, MOEA(2010)
表65 經濟部水利署現有正式職員人事資料統計\65 Statistic on Appointed Employees, WRA, MOEA(2010)
表66 經濟部水利署經費預算數與決算數\66 Budget & Final Account of WRA, MOEA(2010)
表67 水利工程經費\67 Statistics of Engineering Cost(2010)
表68 經濟部水利署各項測繪成果\68 Surveying, WRA, MOEA(2010)
表69 經濟部水利署地質鑽探成果\69 Geological Boring, WRA, MOEA(2010)
表70 經濟部水利署所屬機關工程用地取得情形\70 WRA Affiliated Agencies Project Land Procurememt Situation(2010)