
一、河川區域內之下列行為應經許可:(一)施設、改建、修復或拆除建造物。(二)排注廢污水或引取用水。(三)採取或堆置土石。(四)種植植物。(五)挖掘、埋填或變更河川區域內原有形態之使用行為。(六)圍築魚塭、插、吊蚵或飼養牲畜。(七)其他經主管機關公告與河川管理有關之使用行為。二、違者依法究辦。經濟部水利署經濟部水利署第○河川局 電話:

I. In the river zone, permit is needed for the following behaviors :1. constructing, rebuilding, repairing or dismantling constructions;2. draining waste water or diverting river flow for use;3. excavating or dumping sediment;4. planting;5. excavating, filling or altering the river geometry for any purpose;6. constructing fish farms, growing oyster or raising domestic animals;7. other river management related actions approved by the authorities.II. Infringers are subject to accusation according to the laws.Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic AffairsThe (ordinal number) River Management Office, WRA, MOEA. Tel:

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