Welcome to Taipei Water Management Offiec, WRA’s “Global Information Web.” The Global Information Web is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. To better understand how we protect your privacy, please peruse the following in detail:
Scope of our policy
The following policy is in use when the public is browsing our Global Information Web. Any searches, personal information, and other use of our Global Information Web are strictly protected. However, we are not responsible for the user’s web privacy once linked out of our Web into other government agency websites. The 4h River Management Office.WRA.MOEA is not liable for any claims the user makes concerning the infringement of his/her Internet privacy outside of Taipei Water Management Offiec, WRA.MOEA’s “Global Information Web.”
Personal Information
Any browsing or downloads made within the Global Information Web is strictly private. No attempt will be made to trace personal information.
When using services provided by Taipei Water Management Offiec, WRA.MOEA’s Global Information Web (e.g. General Director’s mailbox, Opinion box, Public Survey and Message forum), the user is kindly requested to fill out their authentic name, contact number, email and address.
Taipei Water Management Offiec, WRA.WRA.MOEA’s Global Information Web will retrieve IP address visited, duration and information from webpages visited by the user. This information will be used by the Webmaster for statistical purposes only to improve the internet service provided by our network.
Personal information will be tracked upon the user’s agreement, or under the following conditions:
1. The violation of regulations set by Taipei Water Management Offiec, WRA.MOEA’s Global Information Web, including use of coarse language or any form of verbal abuse.
2. The protection of personal rights
3. The protection of Taipei Water Management Offiec, WRA.MOEA’s Global Information Web associated government agencies.
Taipei Water Management Offiec, WRA.WRA.MOEA’s Global Information Web is obligated to protect the privacy of all applicants. Personal information or files will not be modified or deleted.
Personal information will not be sold, exchanged or loaned to other groups, persons, or businesses, except under the following conditions:
1. In coordination with legal investigation by the proper judicial authorities.
2. In coordination with legal investigation by the relevant competent authorities.
3. As authorized by laws, acts, etc
User responsibility
The user is responsible for closing the browser window and locking the screensaver password if away from the computer for an extended period of time.
User information
All data (including picture and document files) found on Taipei Water Management Offiec, WRA.WRA.MOEA’s website has been copyrighted (with the exception of links and specifically denoted files); users who plan to link to our website must first obtain our agreement though e-mail.
Supplementary information
Please refrain from sending important personal data, e.g. ID number, via our website or email.