表54 金門縣自來水廠水價\54 Water Price─Kinmen County Water Supply Plant(2006)
表55 連江縣自來水廠水價\55 Water Price─Lienchiang County Water Supply Plant(2006)
表56 自來水供水設備及管線長度\56 Installations of Water Supply(2006)
表57 自來水系統供水能力及設計供水人口數\57 Water Supply System Capacity & Consumers of Water Supply(2006)
表58 供水戶口數暨人日配水量\58 Families of Water Supply & Daily Ration of Water Per Person(2006)
表59 自來水供水普及率\59 Saturation of Water Supply(2006)
表60 自來水用戶數\60 Consumers of Water Supply(2006)
表61 經濟部水利署組織系統與職掌\61 Organization & Duty, WRA, MOEA(2006)
表62 經濟部水利署各組室及所屬機關所在地暨主管人員\62 Key Persons of WRA's Headquarters and Subordinates With Their Locations(2006)
表63 經濟部水利署實有員額配置\63 Actual Personnel, WRA, MOEA(2006)
表64 經濟部水利署現有正式職員人事資料統計\64 Statistic on Appointed Employees, WRA, MOEA(2006)
表65 經濟部水利署經費預算數與決算數\65 Budget & Final Account of WRA, MOEA(2006)
表66 水利工程經費\66 Statistics of Engineering Cost(2006)
表67 經濟部水利署各項測繪成果\67 Surveying, WRA, MOEA(2006)
表68 經濟部水利署地質鑽探成果\68 Geological Boring, WRA, MOEA(2006)