表46 歷年灌溉排水工程實施成果\ 46 Achievements of Irrigation & Drainage(2003)
表47 歷年灌溉排水設施損毀情形\ 47 Damage on the Irrigation & Drainage Works(2003)
表48 灌溉及排水面積\ 48 Irrigation & Drainage Area(2003)
表49 農田水利會所轄灌溉及排水面積\ 49 Irrigation & Drainage Area for Irrigation Associations(2003)
表50 農田水利會所轄灌溉面積異動\ 50 Variation of Irrigation Area For Irrigation Associations(2003)
表52 地下水開發鑿井工程已供水口數─按水井深度及每小時可出水量分\ 52 Number of Supply Water Wells-By Depth of Wells & by Water Yield Per Minute(2003)
表53 地下水開發補助灌溉受益情形\ 53 Benefits Through Ground-water Irrigation(2003)
表54 農田水利會小組自行共同維護成果\ 54 Working Groups of Irrigation Associations(2003)
表60 經濟部水利署組織系統與職掌\ 60 Organization & Duty, WRA, MOEA(2003)
表62 經濟部水利署實有員額配置\ 62 Actual Personnel, WRA, MOEA(2003)
表63 經濟部水利署現有正式職員人事資料統計\ 63 Statistic on Appointed Employee, WRA, MOEA(2003)
表64 農田水利會人事資料統計\ 64 Statistic on the Actual Personnel, Irrigation Associations(2003)
表65 經濟部水利署經費預算數與決算數\ 65 Budget & Final Account of WRA, MOEA(2003)
表67 農田水利會會費\ 67 Membership Fees of Irrigation Associations(2003)
表68 農田水利會經費收支\ 68 Revenue & Expenditure of Irrigation Associations(2003)